World Bank Economist on Desperately Seeking Shahrukh During the Ranveer "Controversy"
Dual Careers, Women, Modesty and "National Issues"
Before we get started, let’s tell you about our new product management course led by Prateek Jain (Twilio, Columbia Business School). Join us tomorrow for the open house. It is free to attend and will help you decide if you wish to enroll.
We live in strange times. Evidently actor Ranveer Singh’s photoshoot is a national issue. An FIR has been filed because he “hurt the sentiments of women”. You can read more about it if you like or watch this remarkable clip but this is Network Capital and we hope to discuss something more substantive. Today we will reflect on World Bank economist Shrayana Bhattacharya’s best-selling book “Desperately Seeking Shahrukh: India's Lonely Young Women and the Search for Intimacy and Independence” We are interested in how dual careers are built. Let’s dive into it.