Dear community members,
The Network Capital movement of helping people build meaningful careers has grown from 0 to 150,000 verified members without a single dollar spent on marketing. It has scaled through community support and word of mouth.
NC subscribers have hunger to learn and willingness to share. They are givers at heart and love adding specific value to others. If you know other ambitious and kind people, take 2 minutes and invite them to join Network Capital.
Dear community members,
Utkarsh’s second book is out in the market. After Sage shut shop in India, Penguin bought the rights of the book and is publishing it on March 20. You can pre-order it now and learn how to build a portfolio of careers leveraging the power of the internet. It isn’t a how to book of hacks but a detailed strategy guide to understanding internet economics.

Adventure Retreat | April 21- 23
On Network Capital, we want to help you build your category of one not only in terms of what you bring to the workplace but also the values you live by. In this 3 day retreat, we will enjoy myriad outdoor adventures curated by Laidback, a venture by one of our subscribers Nakul.
We will consider the retreat successful if you go back with cherished friendships, deeper knowledge about your selves and ideas for connecting with others in order to add specific value to them. Your personal and professional growth will be a natural byproduct.
The adventure kickstarts in a quaint, outdoor resort near Chail. See you on 21st April evening.
Leadership Lessons
Summer School
Learn skills not taught in school.
Network Capital's 21st century curriculum is designed to help students aged 8 to 18 follow their curiosity. It trains them to learn across disciplines to be young leaders and original thinkers. By the send of the summer school students would have -
Given a public TED-style talk
Published a long-form essay
Learnt critical thinking
💌 Cal Newport and Slow Productivity - Consistency is key when it comes to achieving long term success at anything. Find your natural pace and be regular with it. You don’t need to sprint if you don’t feel like it. You don’t even need to work hard just because your peers claim to be pulling all-nighters. You just have to show up and do your thing at the pace that works for you.
💌 You can't be what you can't see - Today’s newsletter is a celebration of the women of Network Capital who have created content in the form of masterclasses, podcasts, fellowship lectures etc that reaches millions of young professionals every month empowering them to make meaningful career choices. These women have actively supported in improving the talent opportunity arbitrage and acted as relatable mentors to many.
MBA & Masters Mentorship
Every year thousands of NC members make it to top MBA and Masters programs all over the world. We have opened a few slots for 1:1 outcome driven MBA & Masters Mentorship.
If you’re applying for 2024/25 intake, fill this form!
Have a wonderful week ahead.
— Your Network Capital Team
“Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners.” ― Virginia Woolf