Dear readers,
This was the first Diwali post on the Network Capital Facebook group back in 2017. Since then, every year as we celebrate Diwali on Network Capital in new ways, we like to look at this post and see where and how far we have come since then.
This is a two part newsletter.
First here are some updates from Network Capital members celebrating Diwali in different parts of the world
And more members will be meeting in the coming days. To join the meet up in your city, register for -
NC Delhi Winer Bash on Nov 18, 2023
NC Hyderabad Meetup on Nov 18, 2023
NC Mumbai Meetup on Nov 25, 2023
NC Bangalore Meetup on Nov 25, 2023
PS Do also join in for our virtual session on How to unf*ck your mindset tomorrow!
The second part of the newsletter is on reflections and traditions.