Quick summary of what we learned together on Network Capital
What we read, wrote, published this week
Before we get started, here is a quote that had us thinking all week.
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.”
― Anais Nin
Network Capital in Vogue
If Barbie was forced to deal with looming threats of climate change, economic meltdowns, lay-offs, pandemics or the global shortage of pink, existentialism would become inevitable for her too
Upcoming online and offline events
NC Members meet each other online and offline all across the world to build meaningful relationships and learn from each other. Join in for -
On July 17 — NC Salon: How to ask the right questions?
On July 18 — NC London Meetup
On July 22 — NC Bangalore
On July 22 — NC Mumbai
On July 29 — NC Delhi
On July 30 — Building Career in VC post MBA with Jaysri Thangam
Our Newsletters
NC Masterclass: How ESG Can Benefit Your Business with Mukund Rajan
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Have a wonderful week ahead.
— Your Network Capital Team