Wishing all Indians and Indophiles a very happy Independence Day. Today is a day to celebrate India and reflect on the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
I worked out of a well-known club in London today. It’s a gorgeous place with a stunning library proudly displaying books by “Lord Clive of India” and Winston Churchill. They didn’t think much of India and Indians at the time. I wonder what they would say today?
India, the startup founded in 1947, has come a long way. If countries were stocks, India would be the number 1 pick of most growth investors. 21st-century India has comfortably addressed skepticism in all shapes and forms. We still have a lot of work to do and a ton of problems to solve, but we are in well-positioned for the road ahead.
But countries aren’t stocks, are they?
In his Network Capital masterclass, Dr. Shashi Tharoor discussed the ideas of India and how pluralism is at the core of who we are.
Dr. Ambedkar once said, “Democracy in India is only a top-dressing on an Indian soil which is essentially undemocratic"
What did he mean by it? Is India still essentially undemocratic? Dr. Tharoor explains
The aspirations, culture, and convictions of Indians are changing. The Indian diaspora is probably the most successful and most well-integrated globally. In addition to running large technology companies, Indians around the world are shaping culture in ways unimaginable in earlier decades.
Our community members Harsh and Rajeev discuss the new idea of India.
Technology infrastructure and talent are key catalysts of the Indian story. Rahul Sanghi does a great job of explaining that.
Have a fabulous day ahead!