Breaking to VC with WaterBridge Investor Shivi Maheshwari + Top Jobs
How to create competitive edge
Seeing our community members build their category of one is our ultimate idea of happiness. Shivi is our long time member who attended the first time fund manager fellowship for women while she was pursuing her MBA at Kellogg. She had no prior investing experience so she armed herself with project work, cohort based courses offered by Network Capital and a series of internships.
She was relentless in her pursuit going about building a network in a structured way. Her differentiating asset turned out to be solid preparation coupled with “can do” spirit.
For industries like Venture Capital, there is no formula. One has to tap into networks, show up armed with skills and a clear thesis of investment scenarios. Rejections and ghosting is common so one has to go on taking every set back with a sense of possibility.
That’s what Shivi did and cracked a topnotch fund. Take a look at her masterclass and feel free to connect with her on Twitter.