Inversion is a useful principle to keep in mind while shaping big life and career choices. Sometimes figuring out what you want to do can be hard. Instead, flip the question and ask yourself what you should avoid. Here are some ways to have a career that drains you, leaves you financially burdened and offers you lifelong regret.
Let’s get to it.
Look at what others are doing more than what you want to do.
Spend most of your time being envious of your peers who seem to have everything figured out on social media.
Work with people who don’t inspire you. Be the smartest in the room.
Avoid difficult conversations with yourself and with others.
Take up a huge loan to pursue something you feel you should do because society tells you to.
Spend all your money based on stock recommendations from influencers.
Don’t read books. Read Twitter summaries instead.
Think of your career as a ladder to climb instead of a road to build.
Keep blaming your circumstances.
Don’t be a contrarian. Think what everyone else is thinking.
Do not meditate or take time to process what you learn. Keep hustling.
Don’t keep in touch with friends and colleagues from the past.
Keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.
Feedback is for losers. When someone gives you feedback, get defensive and tell them why you are always right.
Build depth but no breadth
Build breadth but no depth
Expect dramatic results in 1 year but don’t think about where you want to be in a decade. Someone said, we overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in 10. Ignore him
Measure yourself by how busy you are not on what you are actually doing
Don’t take time out to pursue your hobbies. You can always get to them later or never. Who cares about hobbies.
Have expensive tastes. Spend more than you can afford to prove that you are important.
Keep building optionality without committing to anything
When you are feeling low, sweep it under the rug instead of acknowledging what’s going on
Don’t take accountability
Say more than you do
Surround yourself only with people who agree with you
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Career Principles of COTA Capital Partner and former Bain Partner Srivatsan Rajan
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